· Naturefund

Naturefund‘s starter package

Our offer

Together with Naturefund, for an annual contribution of 2,500 € you can help preserve natural habitats for biodiversity, plant trees or become a partner in the Naturefund Forest Network. Here is what we provide:
  • Graphical material and written information about protection projects for your own communication purposes;
  • Presentation on the Naturefund website;
  • Interactive tools for your website and online communication;
  • Public relations together with Naturefund including press releases;
  • Social media presence.

Possibility 1 – the protection of nature in Germany

You can protect land for nature in Germany, for example an island for shore birds on the Baltic Sea, a moor in Brandenburg, or an old beech tree grove with a rare species of bat in the Vogelsberg Mountains. Therewith, you become a part of the solution in the preservation of biodiversity. Together with Naturefund, you can communicate your commitment both externally and internally. We will gladly pay a visit with you to a common existing protection project where a professional guide will show and familiarise you with the secrets and beauty of nature.

Possibility 2 – the worldwide planting of trees

Plant trees with Naturefund and help preserve the last natural forests on earth, permanently. Rain forests are the lungs of our planet and contain an incredible richness of species. Together with Naturefund you can help to save the last large area of rain forest in Middle America, between Honduras and Nicaragua. Through press work, social media, and interactive presentations on the internet, we can inform a multitude of people about this project.

Possibility 3 – become a member of the Forest Network

Become a partner of the Naturefund Forest Network, an association of corporations, organisations and scientific institutions who assist the implementation of worldwide reforestation projects. Several times a year you can attend Naturefund Think Tanks, where we, on the interconnection between economy and nature develop new ideas and strategies and jointly organise campaigns.

Your contact partner

Katja Wiese
Telefon +49 611 504 581 019
katja.wiese@naturefund.de Download Naturefund's starter package as pdf:

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