· Naturefund

Naturefund wins NATIONAL Energy Globe Award

Naturefund wins one of the most important prizes for sustainability. The reforestation project in Honduras by „Naturefund Forest Network“ was presented with the NATIONAL Energy Global Award on the 25th of the 11th 2011 in Wels, Austria.

Katja Wiese from Naturefund recieves the award

Naturefund wins one of the most important prizes for sustainability. The reforestation project in Honduras by „Naturefund Forest Network“ was presented with the NATIONAL Energy Global Award on the 25th of the 11th 2011 in Wels, Austria.

NATIONAL Energy Globe Award for forest protection

The Naturefund Forest Network, whose member companies are supporting the reforestation project of ecologically precious forests around the globe, will be presented with the NATIONAL Energy Globe Award on the 25th of November in Wels in Austria.

Working closely with people

The jury's reasons for presenting the award were especially focussed on the reforestation project in the Patuca National Park in Honduras, where land previously stripped of its trees is being reforested. What is special about this project is that Naturefund is working closely with local people and the Nationl Park Management of the Asociación Patuca. Together, they are planning and implementing the reforestation projects.

One exceptional success is the launch of a new reforestation method called „Forest Garden“. What is special about this award winning forest garden principle is that previously deforested land is being reforested and can be used by small local farmers utilising a particular cultivation method on  their agricultural products.

The Forest Garden Method is a working example that environmental protection and agriculture do not exclude one another, but can exist side by side.

Naturefund reforestation project convinces jury

This landmark project has set an example of reforestation projects using the Forest Garden Method that will be adopted by other countries. The jury of the NATIONAL Energy Globe Award was so impressed that they awarded the project under the category of NATIONAL Energy Globe Award for the country of Honduras because of its important contribution to climate protection and preserving the diversity of species.

Katja Wiese, the founder of Naturefund, has reported that the Forest Garden Method has been so successful that the number of farmers adopting this method has increased from 15 to 56 in a very short time. For her, the prize is a great honor and a welcome acknowledgement of her work.

She can support the guiding principle under which Wolfgang Neumann created the ENERGY GLOBE World Award for Sustainability in 1999 with all her heart: „It is our duty and responsibility to ensure that our youth will have an environment that is fit to live in tomorrow.“

Initiatives from all over the world recieve awards

On the 25th of November projects and initiatives from all over the world that set a good example for the careful handling of natural resources were presented with awards. Around 800 initiatives applied under the categories of: earth, fire, water, air and youth.

The top-class jury consists of environmental experts such as the Indian Environmental Minister, Maneka Gandhi and Don Baker from the American Centre for Sustainability and Economic Growth.

50 nations came together in Wels and were praised for their outstanding contribution to environmental protection. „I am very happy about the recognition the Naturefund Forest Network Project has received in Honduras“, says Katja Wiese, the founder of Naturefund. „For me it is an affirmation that we are moving in the right direction, which is to motivate companies to take responsibility for the world climate. This will work more effectively if we take care of our forests, together with the people living in and from these forests!“

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