· Naturefund project detail

The sand lizard

A number of sand lizards live on the piece of land Naturefund aims to convert back into a floodplain in Frankfurt-Sossenheim. By buying the land Naturefund is establishing a protected habitat for the small reptile that has recently become quite rare. 

Detail: Floodplain near the Sulzbach

The sand lizard

Sand lizards occupy large parts of Europe. On warm days they can be found in sunny places, protected by the cold wind. Their diverse colouring and short tail are especially noticeable. Loss of habitat is the largest threat to the sand lizard. Right now they are on the watch list for endangered species and are protected throughout Europe. With the purchase of the floodplain near the Sulzbach in Frankfurt the sand lizard gains one more protected habitat Join us and help us to buy more land for nature! To our current projectMore about the floodplain

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