Foundation Pro Biodiversity® joins in!

In early 2007, Naturefund, together with the nature conservation organisation DieTierPaten®, today Foundation Pro Biodiversity®, bought 19,000 square metres of fenland in Klosterfelde, northeast of Berlin.

With its wet and marshland life the fen provides habitat to a variety of rare species, such as; Whinchat, Grass Snakes and Cranes. Noticeable are the large number of blossoming plants such as the Primula Farinosa (or Bird's Eye Primrose), Marsh Cinquefoil, Meyanthes, Succisa pratensis (or Devils-bit Scabious) and Willow Gentians. 

Following the purchase the fen was well taken care of and the mowing of the land is done according to the life cycle of the ground-breeders. In 2007 three Whinchat pairs used this as their breeding ground.

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