We plant a treesin Germany

With the motto 'Germany plants a tree!' Naturefund founded a national reforestation project in October 2007, together with Kaiser's Tengelmann and the climate organisation CO2NTRA from PRO7. In total 50,000 trees and shrubs were planted all over Germany. One of the replanted areas is in Kelkheim, in the Taunus area.

of 50,000
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Germany Plants a Tree!

Replanted area one year later
Replanted area one year later
Photo: Naturefund

With the motto 'Germany plants a tree!' Naturefund founded a national reforestation project in October 2007, together with Kaiser's Tengelmann and the climate organisation CO2NTRA from PRO7. In total 50,000 trees and shrubs were planted all over Germany. One of the replanted areas is in Kelkheim, in the Taunus area.

Climate protection initiative

The whole world is talking about climate change and many people have now grasped that something must be done. But what can we really do to help? Obviously, using your car less, buying energy saving bulbs and choosing a holiday destination that doesn't involve flying all help, but is that enough?

So that climate change and possible climate protection measures could be made accessible to many more people, Naturefund began a nationwide climate protection and reforestation campaign called, 'Germany Plants a Tree!', together with Kaiser's Tengelmann and PRO7 and its science magazine 'Galileo'.

One euro for every tree

In every Kaiser and Tengelmann supermarket 50,000 local saplings were put on offer. Everybody was able to buy the tree seedlings and in order to make their garden a little more attractive and make an active contribution to saving the environment. Types of tree on offer included Snowberry, Wild Plum, Hazelnut, Dogwood, European Spindle, as well as Blackthorn, Alder Buckthorn, Maple and Hawthorn.

For each tree purchased, Kaiser's Tengelmann AG gave one euro to Naturefund. With this contribution, we were able to start protecting forests and begin our work to conserve more habitat for a great variety of plant and animal species.

Join us and reduce CO2

With this project, we wanted to ensure that as many trees as possible were planted in order to make a valuable contribution to saving the environment and exchanging CO2for oxygen.

On the 17th November 2007, Naturefund began a reforestation campaign in Kelkheim in the Taunus area. We planted trees together with the city of Kelkheim, Kaiser's Tengelmann, a class of school children and many people with an interest in nature conservation. 

Join us and help us to plant more trees!

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