
Madagascar - 12,000 trees and it continues!

Incredible! The last weeks, so many people supported our project. Together with all project partners, we have now decided to increase the target to 18,000 trees.

1,086 supporters

On average, 12 trees plants every supporter with us in Madagascar. And thanks to the many supporters we have done it now! All 12,000 trees are secured and we have reached our project goal.

A Christmas present for us all

The many trees are a very special Christmas present for nature and the people of Madagascar. And we in Europe, too, can look forward to strong forests in the world as they keep our climate stable.

We continue!

The great support of the last few weeks surprised us all. With our project partners, we have now decided to set the project goal further up. Nobody wants to stop here now. We will plant more trees and enable more families the dynamic agroforestry.

18,000 trees is our goal now! And we are confident that we will reach this brand in the coming months.

Thank you

Many thanks to all supporters. Stop by the tree counter and see how Madagascar is getting greener.

Madagascar tree counter