
The European green woodpecker

The green bird with a remarkably red crown sees fruit orchards as an ideal habitat. Here it finds its favourite meal "ant" and in the old fruit trees it builds its nest holes.

The European green woodpecker

The European green woodpecker is bird of the year 2014 in Germany and typically found in fruit orchards. Most easily distinguished from other birds through its laughing call, English folk names for the European green woodpecker include "yaffle" and "laughing Betsey". In comparison with other woodpeckers, it can often be seen searching for food on the ground, since its main food source is the ant. This woodpecker therefore needs a meadow that is mown every so often. Furthermore, old trees and deadwood are required. It searches for ants within the deadwood and builds its nest hole in old trees. In subsequent years, these holes are often used by other bird species that nest in cavities. Protect land for nature directlyOld tree typesFruit orchard maintenanceBasic data: fruit orchard