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Here you can find the latest articles on the natural world, about our projects and also on Naturefund's progress.

· · NABU
The recent agreement on the CAP by the three largest political groups in the European Parliament does not bode well for nature conservation. The gradually revealed details of this compromise paper now… Read more
· · Naturefund
Whereas last week the European Parliament committed itself by a large majority to a clearly ambitious climate protection, the EPP, S&D and Renew are now laying the foundation for a failed agricultural… Read more
· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Peatland rewetting is a greatly underestimated means to stabilize our climate, a new study shows. While the public debate often focuses on forests, global peatlands in fact store about twice as much… Read more
· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
A larger part of the Amazon rainforest is at risk of crossing a tipping point where it could become a savanna-type ecosystem than previously thought, according to a new study. Read more
· · BBC News
Cambridge University is to cease investments in fossil fuels by 2030, it has announced. Read more
· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
The warmer it gets, the faster Antarctica loses ice – and much of it will then be gone forever. Consequences for the world’s coastal cities and cultural heritage sites would be detrimental, from… Read more
· · Naturefund
With an expert we have tested the apple varieties of our orchard trees. Now we can say which apple varieties grow with us and when they can be harvested. Read more
· · Naturefund
The stars of the orchards: Old apple varieties are vitamin boosters! Read more
· · UNO environment programme
Policymakers can improve the chances of achieving climate goals and limiting global warming to 1.5oC by making more specific commitments to transforming national food systems. Read more
· · World Meterological Organization
There is a 60 percent chance of a weak La Niña event developing during September to November 2020, according to a new El Niño/La Niña update from the World Meteorological Organization. Despite the… Read more

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