Latest News

Here you can find the latest articles on the natural world, about our projects and also on Naturefund's progress.

· · Naturefund
Last year, Naturefund started a pilot project in Malawi and supported 20 smallholder families to switch from conventional cultivation to species-rich cultivation with dynamic agroforestry. Read more
· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Computer simulations predict a strong increase of events in which the undulations of the jet stream in the atmosphere stop moving along and grow very large. This can favor more frequent extreme… Read more
· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Limiting global warming to 1.5° Celsius would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society, says a new detailed assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate… Read more
· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
To make climate policy more stringent, a smart sequencing of measures is a promising option. An international team of researchers now proposes a framework for doing so using policy sequencing –… Read more
· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Nice sunny days can grow into heat waves – and wildfires: summer weather is stalling. Be it heavy downpours or super-hot spells, summer weather becomes more persistent in North America, Europe and… Read more
· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
While burning coal today causes Earth to overheat, about 300 million years ago the formation of that same coal brought our planet close to global glaciation. Read more
· · Naturefund
In October 2017, the green electricity share reached a new record high. Never before has more green electricity been generated in Germany in one month. Read more
· · Naturefund
For many, Madagascar is a distant place. We want to introduce you to the village of Ankorabe, from which many families work with us. Read more
· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
The measures trigger opposing developments: The decline due to divestment outweighs the short-term increase. Read more
· · Naturefund
All proceeds from the LUSH Charity Pot go directly to charitable projects. Now Naturefund can be happy about this great contribution. Read more

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