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Here you can find the latest articles on the natural world, about our projects and also on Naturefund's progress.

· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Climate change has impacts on forests, fields, rivers – and thereby on humans that breathe, eat and drink. To assess these impacts more accurately, a comprehensive comparison of computer-based…

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· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

In only three years, Climate-KIC and its partners will invest around half a billion Euros in European climate innovation. Through this effort, science and business are working to turn research into…

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· · Naturefund project info
Naturefund, together with HGON Main-Kinzig purchased a 7.890 square metre piece of land where beavers live. The beaver was once extinct in Hesse. Thanks to a resettlement of 18 beavers 25 years ago… Read more
· · Naturefund project detail
In 1987 and 1988 a trial resettlement was started. Eighteen beavers from the river Elbe were successfully introduced to the Sinn and Jossa rivers in Upper Hesse Read more
· · Naturefund project detail
Small lower mountain streams often still flow very fast. As a result they have a characteristic water surface structure with many stones and gravel Read more
· · Naturefund project detail

When beavers hold back the flow of natural water with their dams they often flood surrounding grasslands and fields. A wet fallow appears which not only provides food for the beaver but also habitats…

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· · Naturefund
Naturefund is working together with the Hessische Gesellschaft für Ornithologie Main-Kinzig to buy up 8.000 m2 of the land where the beavers have successfully spread out Read more
· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Energy from biomass presents underappreciated risks, new research published in Nature Climate Change shows. 

The scientific debate over bioenergy

Large-scale cultivation of bioenergy crops could… Read more
· · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Even if global warming is limited to 2 degrees Celsius, global-mean sea level could continue to rise. It would be reaching dangerously high levels by the year 2.300 Read more
· · Naturefund
Our summer holidays are just around the corner. And you can now arrange your journey in a climatically neutral way! How does this work? Find out with Naturefund's easy-to-use CO2 calculators Read more

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