Latest News

Here you can find the latest articles on the natural world, about our projects and also on Naturefund's progress.

· · Naturefund
Yes, we sow ideas and they fall on fertile ground. At the same time, we are sowing ideas in a country that is moving towards a dictatorship. Read more
· · Naturefund
In 2018 we will again offer the opportunity to learn the method of dynamic agroforestry in Germany. The seminar will take place from April 29 to May 5, 2018, in the ecovillage Sieben Linden. Read more
· · Naturefund
Katja has only been on the road in Bolivia for a few days, but apart from walking on created areas, she is already scattering ideas again and it will continue... Read more
· · Naturefund
Katja's travel blog from 23.1.2017: About a little time out in paradise, the beauty of the Andes and starting work in Cochabamba. Read more
· · Naturefund
At the end of November the agroforestry congress took place in Arani, Bolivia. Thanks to generous donors, 25 small farmers were able to participate and to further study the dynamic agroforestry. Read more
· · Naturefund
The old year, already leaving, it is fading away in time. And at the threshold a new year is waiting, ready for us to shine. Read more
· · Naturefund
Incredible! The last weeks, so many people supported our project. Together with all project partners, we have now decided to increase the target to 18,000 trees. Read more
· · Naturefund
Thanks to 900 donators, we are getting closer and closer to our goal of 12,000 trees. Join in and help securing the remaining 1,700 trees Read more
· · Naturefund
Sad record increase over the last 3 years, also because the Earth's forests have neutralized less CO2. Read more
· · Independent
There are 500 times more pieces of microplastic in the sea than there are stars in our galaxy and by 2050 it is estimated there will be more plastic than fish. Read more

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